Tiny Wilds
Tiny Wilds is our pre-school/nursery setting which offers funded and unfunded places for rising 3’s to 5 year olds.
We are open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, during term time only.
The minimum sessions are 2 x half-day or 1 x full-day per week
We also run stay and play sessions on Mondays during term time
Funded Places
Tiny Wilds is registered with Devon County Council to offer the EYF (Early Years Funding)) to 3 and 4 year olds and eligible 2 year olds.
As per government and Devon County Council guidelines Tiny Wilds charges for additional services that are beyond the standard nursery provision. This is a voluntary ‘outdoor provision’ payment which enables us to provide a high staff to child ratio, carry out forest school/outdoor training with staff as well as contribute to a wide variety of resources that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to offer. This is charged at an additional 50p per hour or £3 per day. This ‘outdoor provision’ fee remains voluntary.
If a parent uses EYF they will be invoiced for a voluntary payment of 50p per hour or £3 per day.