Our Ethos

Wind, Rain, Sun, Snow

Tiny Wilds children enjoy outside play, all year round, whatever the weather!

The wind shows us how seeds are spread and helps us understand the weather systems. 

The rain makes spider webs sparkle, it makes puddles for splashing in.

The sunshine lets us take off our shoes, and watch the flowers grow.

The snow reminds us that winter is upon us, a time to hibernate and rest.


Sensory Play, Active Learning and Enriching Experiences

Sensory play fun is incredibly stimulating for a child’s brain and supports fine and gross motor skills, cognitive growth and social skills. There are so many creative and nature based opportunities to explore sensory activities at Tiny Wilds, both inside the yurt and out.

We create space for child-led play, and we understand that sometimes adult initiated learning can be beneficial too. We believe children learn best through doing - active learning - and through having enriching, engaged experiences.

Love, Respect and Understanding of the Natural World

Caring for our environment and being responsible in the decisions we make is central to our ethos. We believe that teaching children about the natural rhythms of nature and fostering a love, respect and appreciation for our natural world, will be the most effective way of helping them to be responsible residents of our beautiful planet.

We focus on natural resources inside and outside classrooms, and are mindful to reuse and recycle, creating an environment free from plastics whenever possible. 

Exploration, Discovery, Courage, Resilience

Children at Tiny Wilds have the space to be creative, to run, jump, climb; to learn confidence and personal boundaries, all surrounded by some of the most beautiful landscape in the UK.

We explore the natural world on a daily basis, and allow children to take risks in a safe space, helping them to develop their courage and resilience.

Kindness, Compassion, Communication

At Tiny Wilds we mix the age groups of our children for many reasons. Research demonstrates that children learn more easily from each other than from adults and we believe a mixed-age group environment promotes healthy relationships, similar to a family scenario. Children learn much like brothers and sisters, where younger children learn from the older and the older children have opportunities to build confidence by passing on what they’ve learned and develop social skills with their younger peers, such as kindness, compassion and communication.

We actively guide children in how to resolve conflict when necessary, and teach kindness, compassion and mutual respect.

Freedom of Choice, Creative Expression

At Tiny Wilds we support the children to be themselves, supporting their freedom to develop without being tamed. We aim to give them the freedom to experience the full expression of their natural creativity.

We work to create a space where children can flourish and feel safe, yet independent. Ultimately, a child’s innate curiosities and interests are what drive their learning, so at Tiny Wilds we allow the children to play an active role in deciding their focus each day.

Emotional Wellbeing, Mindfulness

At Tiny Wilds we encourage children to be holistic in their approach to life, sharing tools with them so that they are able to connect with themselves, body, mind and spirit. We introduce them to mindfulness practices, yoga, dance, creative play and many other activities that help them to connect with themselves.

We help them to express their feelings, helping them understanding that no feelings are wrong and guiding them to express them in a healthy way.


Story Telling

Stories are powerful. They teach us morals, values and history; they can make us think about things in ways we might have never thought of before. They can make us laugh and they can make us cry.

We find that children love to hear the same story many times and relish in the repetition which deepens their relationship with the story - until they are sure they have obtained everything they need from it. Sharing stories is a part of every culture and it helps us connect with one another.

General Silliness

A day with the Tiny Wilds children is never without a joyous dose of nonsense play, silliness and clowning around. We hold up laughter, whooping and squeals of happiness as little flags of triumph!

Make an Enquiry

Find out if we have places, organise a visit or let us answer any questions you have.